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A forum created for mothers to share their experiences with other mothers on children’s overall wellbeing. As a mother, the daily goal is to provide nutritious home-cooked meals to their child to build their health during the growing years. The most common challenge that every mother faces is how to increase their child’s appetite for home-cooked food. Children are becoming more and more innovative with reasons to avoid home-cooked food and lose out on the daily nutritional requirements.

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This loss in nutrition often leads to low immunity and frequent illness that hampers the overall development of the child. Mothers through experience have learnt the art of feeding home-cooked meals and we encourage them through this forum to help other mothers benefit from their wellbeing tips. We are sharing the below social media link for you to share your experiences, which could be featured on this page to help other mothers.

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“My daughter used to feel less active and used to sit in one corner. After taking ‘Aptivate’ the heaviness on her stomach reduced and the food intake has improved. She herself knows that having ‘Aptivate’ will help her ease the pain that she is facing.”

- Siddhi , from Punjab


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“Our child had weak digestion and would visit loo immediately after the meal. After using Aptivate, in 2 months the effects started showing up; son stopped going to loo immediately after meals and his appetite for home-cooked food has increased.”

- Debjani , from Kolkata


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“I was recommended by a close friend and then consulted with a doctor to start the Aptivate syrup. I had also seen the positive effect of ‘Aptivate’ on my friend’s child. “

- Nikita , from Mumbai


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“My kid was facing troubles like digestion, vomiting, and loss of hunger. The family doctor recommended that Aptivate is natural and herbal.”

- Kshitija , from Bengaluru


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Share Your Child's Wellbeing Tip


Disclaimer: Above comments are based on a 7 city research done in Nov 2020 with existing users of Aptivate. To protect privacy, names and comments might be edited. All posts included on Aptivate social media pages are assumed to have the automatic consent for mentioning them on this page. The comments are purely for the benefit of other mothers to overcome issues related to their child’s overall wellbeing.

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